What Teens can do.

Bullying stops us from being who we want to be, and prevents us from expressing ourselves freely, and might even make us feel unsafe. If you are bullied, say something! If you are bullying, it’s not cool!
I might be being bullied
- SPEAK UP: If you feel uncomfortable with the comments or actions of someone… tell someone! It is better to let a trusted adult know, than to let the problem continue.
- Stay calm, stay respectful, and tell an adult as soon as possible.
- If you feel like you are at risk of harming yourself or others get help now!
Someone is bullying me online or via text message
- Remember, bullying does not only happen at school. It can happen anywhere, including through texting, the internet and social media.
- Don’t respond to and don’t forward cyberbullying messages.
- Keep evidence of cyberbullying. Record the dates, times, and descriptions of instances when cyberbullying has occurred. Save and print screenshots, emails, and text messages. Use this evidence to report cyberbullying to web and cell phone service providers.
- Block the person who is cyberbullying.
- Report Cyberbullying to the Online Service Provider, Law Enforcement or the School.
I don’t get bullied, but my friend does
- Intervene immediately. It is ok to get another adult to help.
- Separate the kids involved.
- Make sure everyone is safe.
- Meet any immediate medical or mental health needs.
- Stay calm.
- Model respectful behavior when you intervene.